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Chinese Dumplings


These are ingredients to make 240 dumplings, which would be plenty for eight people (30 dumplings each). So you can adjust accordingly. President Katie has had a go scaling down the ingredients to make 30 dumplings below.


The recipe includes minced pork, but for those who don’t eat meat, you can substitute the pork for egg. If you're following a vegan diet, then you can substitute the pork for Chinese cabbage and chives with rapeseed. Or, mushroom and Chinese glass noodles with rapeseed. 


Cooking utensils:

  • 1 chopping board + Chinese chopping knife切菜板

  • 1 small paint brush for making the dumpling cover moist before wrapping  绘画毛笔

  • 5 big trays to place dumplings before they are cooked. Can be made of bamboo, plastic or acrylic.  大托盘

  • 1 big cooking pot for boiling dumplings, for 30 pcs each大煮锅

  • 1 big sieve spoon for taking out the dumplings 大篓子勺

  • 2 big bowls for eating the dumplings.  大碗

  • 5 big plates to hold dumplings upon taking them out of the boiling water 大盘

  • Sauce dishes.


Ingredients for 240 dumplings:

  • 2 big long/bulky Chinese cabbage 大白菜

  • 5 bunches of chives (from Malaysia, no need to buy the expensive Japanese version) 韭菜

  • 1 packet of young ginger (the whole stalk in a packet) 幼姜

  • 1 bunch of coriander 香菜

  • 5 packets of minced pork @ 200grams each (or egg v)猪肉末

  • 1 bottle of Chinese Huatiaojiu (cooking wine) 花雕酒

  • 1 bottle of Chinese soy sauce – Kikkoman 日本酱油

  • 1 bottle of Zhenjiang vinegar 镇江香醋

  • 10 packets of dumplings covers @ 24 pcs each packet 日本饺子皮

  • 1 bottle of white pepper powder 白胡椒粉

  • 1 bottle of sesame oil 香油

  • 1 bottle of red chilli (for me to make red chilli oil for the sauce) 红辣椒


Ingredients for 30 dumplings:

  • ½ Chinese cabbage 大白菜

  • ½  bunch of chives 韭菜

  • 12g of young ginger (the whole stalk in a packet) 幼姜

  • 1 bunch of coriander 香菜

  • 125g packets of minced pork (or egg v)猪肉末

  • 60ml Chinese Huatiaojiu (cooking wine) 花雕酒

  • 60ml Chinese soy sauce – Kikkoman 日本酱油

  • 60ml Zhenjiang vinegar 镇江香醋

  • 2 packets of dumplings covers @ 24 pcs each packet 日本饺子皮

  • 12g white pepper powder 白胡椒粉

  • 60 ml of sesame oil 香油

  • 60ml red chilli (for me to make red chilli oil for the sauce) 红辣椒

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