March 2021 meeting: Herbal Gynaecology with Marie Mulcahy BSC
Tue, 23 Mar
An evening of feminine discovery, we welcome Marie Mulcahy of Urban Based Wellness who will be guiding us on the power of herbal medicine and how this can be applied to all things Gynae.

Time & Location
23 Mar 2021, 19:00
About the Event
We will be covering a range of Gynae health concerns from Endometriosis to Menopause, PMS to PCOD and Marie will be taking questions. We have added the option to suggest a topic when booking your place for this event and we will collate and pass these on to Marie before the meeting so she can try to cover as many area as possible.
Information about Marie's private services will be provided after the session, if you find her wonderful work helpful then we can point you in the rigt direction to her services based in Greater Manchester and online.