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The Manchester Environmental Education Network (MEEN) supports schools across Greater Manchester to become more sustainable. This is achieved through networking, running projects and providing information through MEEN’s website and a termly newsletter.


MEEN runs regular network meetings for school staff from across Greater Manchester to share their experiences around sustainability issues and Eco Schools whether the focus is on the curriculum, community or campus. CPD training is delivered in school and at events covering a wide range of environmental issues.


Projects, working with young people as a part of their whole school community, are a key part of MEEN’s activity with the emphasis on supporting pupils to learn and take relevant action in their school and then to become community educators to share their experience.

Our current projects include 'Youth action on climate change''Save Our Soils', and a research project with school leaders on becoming zero carbon by 2038.


If any of Manchester's WI members know schools which want to participate in any of these activities, please contact us via our website.

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