We set up the Lady Skillers as a platform to explore skill sharing opportunities between our lovely members, taster sessions of new activities, and workshops where we could learn new skills outside of the monthly meetings. I find that sometimes people can be put off doing things that they might love to try because its daunting to go solo! This way people can make new friends, who have similar interests i.e dancing, ceramics, jewellery making, who they can then continue going with after the event (if they are so inclined!) Our first venture was a Salsa class with Cuba Café, who hold beginner and improver classes in the basement of Stage & Radio NQ on a Wednesday evening. First we started off with a few basic moves to warm up, and then we partnered up with current salsa class members, who had come along especially to help, so we could put a couple of steps into action.
So to summarise- we picked up a few moves, got a bit sweaty, and had a lot of fun being twirled around the dancefloor! I even know a few of the girls continue to attend the classes so I'd class this as a successful first outing for the Lady Skillers.